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Emily Abernathy - Senior Accountant

Start Date: 

March 2021

Where in the world do you call home? 


When you're not crunching numbers, what do you like to do most? 

Reading & hiking!

What's your dream vacation? 

A tour of Australia and New Zealand.

Tell us about your family and/or pets. 

I am happily married as of September 2022, we have 3 dogs that keep us very busy with walks and in September 2023, we will be welcoming our first baby!

How do you bring more balance to work and family life? 

Truthfully, this is something I have always struggled with, but I've worked to set boundaries by not responding to messages when I'm at lunch or scheduling emails for the next day when I have chosen to work after typical business hours.

What’s one of your favorite motivational quotes or affirmations? 

My favorite quote is "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel". It's a great reminder to always move forward with kindness.

What's your favorite current hobby? 

My favorite hobby is getting back into reading! I was an avid reader as a young adult and that sort of fell away with the hectic life of college and career building. I have made it a goal to set aside an hour a day for enjoyment reading.

How do you feel you contribute to our client's success? 

By being available! I am available for questions and work to find answers for any questions sent my way!

What has been the most rewarding part of working for Synergist Accounting? 

The most rewarding part of work for Synergist Accounting is working under a leader like Gina, who really cares for people.